Music to feel fab


Why does music make us feel fab?  "Where words leave off, music begins.”  said poet Heinrich Heine which is a great explanation of why music plays such an important role in our lives. Listening to

Music to feel fab2019-02-11T18:01:53+00:00

Parenting 21st century style


Parenting 21st century style: Anne Robinson's BBC programme on parenting made fascinating viewing.  We're all individuals so our parenting styles are going to be different with the same end in view:  happy, healthy and safe

Parenting 21st century style2016-10-19T00:25:55+00:00

So what makes me feel fab?


Do you remember the 80s ad about a guy liking his shaver so much, he bought the company?  It popped back into my head after I was introduced to nutrigenomics and being inherently sceptical as

So what makes me feel fab?2019-02-11T18:11:07+00:00
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