Do you remember the 80s ad about a guy liking his shaver so much, he bought the company? It popped back into my head after I was introduced to nutrigenomics and being inherently sceptical as a PR consultant by background, I checked out the science* behind this wellbeing breakthrough and then decided to try it for myself and see if it made me feel fab.
No, I didn’t buy the company but did decide to spread the word about Nrf2 activation and the company behind it, Life Vantage. I called my business Feel Fab because that was how it made me feel. It’s given me back my va-va-voom and after decades of being an ‘owl’, I’ve turned into a lark! Waking up with a clear head ready for my day is simply fab and I’m back to getting as much done in a day as I did decades ago.
What makes me feel fab?
Feeling fab because my body has been triggered into producing antioxidants naturally started me thinking about what else makes me feel fab. My list started with my family and then moved onto the small things in life and then swooped back into what made me feel good about myself. So here goes with my list.
My family:
- The smile on my son’s face when he comes into our bedroom in the morning
- My husband’s unswerving support as I juggle being a mum, a part of #thegigeconomy and a boot camp enthusiast with being a true partner to him
- Talking to my brother and his family in the States and connecting with their daily adventures
The little things in life:
- The excitement of having a new book to read, a cup or glass of something delicious to hand and the peace to enjoy them both
- The change of the seasons and the different foods which that brings. I love cooking and eating so when I see the produce on the market stalls change, it simply feels fab
- Walking along the tow path by our house and having what I call a nature moment as well as chatting to people
Feeling good about myself:
- Helping other people is important to me whether it’s something practical or simply a shoulder to cry on
- Sharing information which can help others to feel fab is a huge motivator for me. I love training, supporting and mentoring others to feel good and that makes me feel fab
- Supporting various charities also makes my soul sing. If I can combine some part of my working or personal life with raising money or awareness for a charity close to my heart I will!
* Currently 24 peer reviewed clinical trials have been published so I reasoned that it would work 100% of the time to lower oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days.