Top sleep tips to help you feel fab: how many hours sleep do you get per night compared to how many you’d like to have? According to research by the Sleep Council, nearly half of us are getting just six hours sleep or less a night. And an alarming four out of five people complain of disturbed or inadequate – or ‘toxic’ – sleep.
One of the benefits of Nrf2 activation to lower oxidative stress levels is having better sleep – a top sleep tip! This was the first change I noticed when I started adding this natural wellbeing product to my health routine: I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for my day.
Feel Fab is all about helping people to do just that, feel fab. I’m always happy to share the results of my experiences, but I know there’s nothing like hearing from an expert in a particular field. I’m delighted to share some top sleep tips from Jason Ellis, Professor in Psychology at Northumbria University and Director of the Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research.
Top Sleep Tips
- Check that your pillow hasn’t reached its sell-by date and still gives your head and neck the support you need. Test your pillow by holding it out longways in front of you. If you’ve got pillow droop, buy a new one!
- If you can’t sleep, try a taxing task such as counting backwards from 1,000 rather than counting sheep
- Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet. Your duvet also needs to keep you cool so have a winter and a summer one
- Turn off all your electronics so there isn’t any blue light in the room. Don’t have a clock facing you when you’re in bed or you’re likely to clock watch
- Avoid chocolate and heavy spicy food at night which takes longer to digest. If you’re hungry before bedtime, opt for cereal or an under-ripe banana as both contain high levels of melatonin which boosts your natural sleep hormone
- Leave at least two hours between exercising or having a bath and going to bed so that you have a chance to cool down which will aid sleeping
- Regulate your liquid intake before bedtime so that you avoid nocturnal bathroom visits
- A moderate amount of alcohol is a sedative but it significantly increases your chances of waking up in the night and staying awake so that not only will you be dehydrated but you’ll be very tired too
- Choose your mattress carefully – you spend a third of your life in bed so take care and time when selecting a new one
- If worry is keeping you awake, write all your concerns down in a book when you wake and close it to help shut them out of your mind
PS: Another fab way to help support your wellbeing through better sleep is to reactivate your body to produce its own antioxidants again, including the master antioxidant Glutathione) again. Our natural, clinically proven Nrf2 activator naturally boosts your Glutathione enzyme by 300% in four months. 💪👊💪